Getting Started

Running Hummingbird

You can run ./ -h to get some information about the available options of Hummingbird:

$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-i | -b [] | -r] [-v] [-d] [-p]

Hummingbird - the Online Analysis Framework.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --interface       start the control and display interface
  -b [], --backend []
                        start the backend with given configuration file
  -r, --reload          reloads the backend
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
  -d, --debug           output debug messages
  -p, --profile         generate and output profiling information
  --no-restore          no restoring of Qsettings

You can run Hummingbird in either interface ( -i ) or backend ( -b ) mode.


When running in backend mode the program will read and analyse data according to the provided configuration file. When no configuration file is given, the file examples/basic/, the default configuration file, will be used.


When running in interface mode the GUI program will be launched:


After adding a backend (upper left button) the program is waiting for connections from backends and can display any data that the backends send to it:
